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The School for swimming "Natasha" and the Association "Give us wings" are working together on the inclusion of therapeutic swimming for people with disabilities.

Christmas Charity Concert

The Italian Embassy is organizig a Christmas Charity Concert of Organ

performed by Livi aMazzanti at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus ,Skopje on Wednesday, 14 December 2011,at 19.00h 

Charity Bazaar will followThe entrance is free.The participants are encouraged to leave donation at the entrance.                   

Please reserve your seats at:

segreteria.skopje@esteri.it   or tel. 32 36 507 / 523


Skopje, 27.04.2011

Public announcement

The Association of citizens "Give us wings" begins with the organization of swimming trainings for children with mental and physical dysfunction.

Horse as treatment


Riding transforms me and my horse into one creature, I’m filled with gratitude for life, ordinary things and feeling that constant efforts and patience are going to be rewarded someday ...



Give us Wings

Be human, give wings to those who need them the most. Donate on the bank account:
Komercijalna Banka AD Skopje




Let's be friends

Contact information:

e-mail: contact@dajtenikrilja.mk